Baby wombat grabber departs

March 15, 2025

Saturday 15 March 2025
Rhiannon Down
The Australian

 Immigration Minister Tony Burke has declared there has never been a  "better day" to be a baby wombat after an American influencer  behind a political and social media furore left the country.
 American influencer Sam Jones, a Montana-based hunting enthusiast whose real  name is Samantha Strable, was filmed removing a baby wombat from its mother  in a social media video that has been widely condemned by both sides of  politics.
 Mr Burke reportedly is looking into whether the American breached immigration  law in her conduct. Ms Jones is believed to have left Australia on Friday.
 "There's never been a better day to be a baby wombat in Australia,"  Mr Burke said.
 When asked if he would bar Ms Jones from re-entering Australia if he won the  federal election, Peter Dutton said "every application will be assessed  on its merit".
 "It was a cruel act, to be honest, and I'm glad that the influencer has  now left," the Opposition Leader said. "But I'm not going to give  more publicity to somebody who craves it." In the video, posted to Ms  Jones's Instagram, she scoops up the baby wombat from the side of a road at  night as its distressed mother gives chase.
 An Australian man is heard laughing in the background.
 Ms Jones then holds up the baby wombat as it makes screeching noises.  "OK, Mamma is right there and she is pissed," Ms Jones says before  returning the baby to the side of the road.
 The location of the since-deleted video is not clear.
 Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson said Ms Jones had been a  "very rude guest" who had behaved "appallingly" towards  native wildlife, while criticising Mr Burke's approach to border security.
 "I have to say, I wish Tony Burke put as much effort into cancelling the  visas of hardened criminals released into the community who have committed  crimes against Australians, and Hezbollah and Hamas supporters that this  government has brought into our country," he said.
 "By all means, deport this person who's been cruel to a wombat. But how  about terrorist supporters and violent criminals get deported too?"  Anthony Albanese ripped into the controversial influencer in an astonishing  rebuke on Thursday, challenging her to "take another animal that can  actually fight back".
 "I suggest to this so-called influencer maybe she might try some other  Australian animals," he said.
 "Take a baby crocodile from its mother and see how you go there. Take  another animal that can actually fight back rather than stealing a baby  wombat from its mother. See how you go there."
 The Wombat Protection Society of Australia decried Ms Jones's actions.
 "We are expressing shock and concern over the actions of a tourist who  mishandled a wombat joey in an apparent snatch for social media likes,"  the charity group said.
 "The individual appeared to have no understanding of wombat behaviour or  the severe stress caused by human interference and separation from its  mother."

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