'Aggressive' clash between MP and child volunteers

March 17, 2025

Monday 17 March 2025
Jade Gailberger
Herald Sun

 Teal MP Monique Ryan has been accused of shouting at children and threatening  to get "nasty" during an ugly quarrel with Liberal volunteers, whom  she claims were "physically aggressive" towards her.
 The spat is a sign that tensions are heating up in the battle for the  affluent electorate of Kooyong, which Dr Ryan holds on a 2.5 per cent margin,  with the starter's gun yet to be fired on the federal election.
 Several witnesses told the Herald Sun an altercation between Dr Ryan and some  Liberal volunteers aged under 18, who were handing out flyers for candidate  Amelia Hamer, occurred near a fruit shop at Hawksburn Village about 10.20am  on Saturday.
 They claim Dr Ryan told the young volunteers they could not stand where they  were, prompting them to say they had as much right as she did.
 The Kooyong MP then shouted they were being "childish", according  to witnesses, which prompted a supervising Liberal volunteer to point out  they were children and should not be spoken to that way.
 It is alleged Dr Ryan then said "if you want this to get nasty, we can  make it nasty" before leaving the shops.
 One of the volunteers involved, who wished to remain anonymous, said the  Teals did not "share the same respect that the other parties did".
 They said Dr Ryan's shouting was "aggressive" and she did not  apologise after learning the volunteers were children.
 Asked about the alleged incident, a spokeswoman said Dr Ryan was holding a  pop-up office with volunteers on Saturday when people with Liberal Party  paraphernalia "arrived late and were physically aggressive" towards  her.
 "Dr Ryan asked them to move away from her. When they refused to do so,  she left," the spokeswoman said.
 Victorian Liberal Senator James Paterson said it was "incredibly  disappointing".
 "The Teals claim to stand for honesty and integrity, but when no one is  watching think they can get away with conduct like this," he said.

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