

National Security

China's interference 'never been more prolific': Coalition

June 17, 2024

Monday 17 June 2024
Paul Sakkal
The Age

 Coalition home affairs spokesman James Paterson has declared Chinese  cyberattacks and meddling in Australian institutions had "never been  more prolific", as top intelligence officials raise fears about  state-sponsored hacking group Volt Typhoon.
 As Labor spruiked a stabilised relationship with China previously harmed by  the Morrison government's aggressive rhetoric, Paterson said Volt Typhoon had  been targeting Australian power, water and transport networks "for the  purpose of future sabotage". Australian officials held deep concerns  about Volt Typhoon because intelligence suggested the group was  "prepositioning for the purposes of disruptive impact" including  sabotage, according to Abigail Bradshaw, head of the Cyber Security Centre at  the Australian Signals Directorate.
 Bradshaw made the previously unreported remarks at a Senate estimates hearing  this month alongside directorate chief Rachel Noble, who said China's  "voracious" appetite to spy on MPs and other highprofile  Australians was "growing in its scale".
 The opposition questioned Labor's "disagree where we must" approach  to Chinese relations on day one of Premier Li Qiang's Australian visit, as  the government insisted deft diplomacy did not equate to  "kowtowing".
 "It's up to the prime minister to explain how you can have a stable  relationship with an authoritarian power that is determined to threaten our  critical infrastructure assets, interfere in our democracy and intimidate  Australian citizens into silence," Paterson said.
 The criticism from Paterson, who receives high-level briefings on  parliament's intelligence and security committee, reflects unease in some  sections of the Coalition and intelligence establishment about Labor's  posture towards China given recent aggressive behaviour towards Australian  military personnel, signals on the invasion of Taiwan, and the suspended  death sentence handed to Chinese-Australian writer Yang Hengjun.
 Highlighting the sensitivity of politicising relations with the rising  superpower, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton declined to attack Labor when  asked about the first visit by a Chinese premier in seven years. "The  short answer is no," Dutton said on Sky News when asked if he would  "shirtfront" the premier in his meeting today.
 "To be good friends, you need to have an honest relationship where there  are concerns, and there'll be concerns that the Chinese have that they'll  want to raise with us as well."
 James Laurenceson of the University of Technology Sydney's Australia-China  Relations Institute said China hawks like Paterson were right to call out  foreign interference but failed to grasp that "China isn't just about  foreign interference or military threats".
 "They are also about trade, family and friendship ties, and global  challenges like climate change. And the way you manage all that is through  calm and professional diplomacy of the type being shown during Premier Li's  visit," he said.
 But Mike Pezzullo, the former secretary of the Home Affairs department,  advised caution. "Abstractions (such as 'stabilised relations' and  'disagree where we must') have become the framing references for our China  policy," he wrote in a recent article for pro-US think tank the  Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

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