

Community Safety

Far-right 'fear and misery' a threat

July 3, 2024

Tuesday 03 July 2024
Alexi Demetriadi
The Australian

 Religious leaders and politicians have warned of "fear and misery"  if the disturbing growth of neo- Nazi anti-Semitism and influence after  October 7 was not stamped out, as one of NSW's top cops called them  "toxic" to society.
 The Australian revealed on Monday the abhorrent anti-Semitic language of some  of the movement's most influential figures, and the rapid increase in  followers concurrent with that hardening rhetoric.
 Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-CEO Alex Ryvchin said the  organisation had warned about the "disturbing growth" in neo-Nazi  activity before the explosion of anti-Semitism after October 7, urging  authorities to throw the book at it. "Since those attacks, we have  witnessed an anti-Semitic moment that has unified the far-left, far-right and  radical Islam in a shared belief in myths about Jewish power and bloodlust,  and a desire to drive Jews from public life," he said.
 Mr Ryvchin, whose organisation made a submission to a senate committee into  the issue, said conspiracy theories that had given neo-Nazis a "sense of  mission" and ability to "seduce" vulnerable people were now  also rampant in "mainstream pro- Palestinian discourse".
 "If we don't develop the right set of law and policy responses, we will  soon find our society degraded by the fear and misery that always accompanies  anti- Semitism," he said.
 Speaking at a press conference after a stabbing at the University of Sydney  on Tuesday, NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Walton slammed rampant  extremism and radical content on social media.
 "(We have) concerns about youth being radicalised online, they are  embracing violent ideologies and moving towards violence," he said.
 Mr Walton said extreme right-wing and neo-Nazi consumption was a "very  negative and toxic element of society", and that vulnerable people often  reached out online looking for a way to "identify", interacted with  the ideology and then "could fall into extremism".
 Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson said it was "absolutely  critical that hate speech laws are rigorously enforced against these  extremist groups before they become even more emboldened".
 Murray Norman, CEO of Faith NSW a coalition of the state's faiths said  right-wing extremism needed to be tackled as a "matter of urgency".

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