

Community Safety

Giles' new rule on deportation draws fire

June 8, 2024

Saturday 08 June 2024
Mathew Knott
Sydney Morning Herald

 New Zealand has expressed disappointment at a new direction that will lower  the threshold to deport foreign criminals from Australia as the Albanese  government seeks to regain control over the troubled immigration portfolio.
 Immigration Minister Andrew Giles released a new rule known as  "direction 110" yesterday to replace the previous "direction  99", which was blamed for dozens of convicted criminals being released  into the community rather than being returned to their country of  citizenship.
 The federal opposition quickly attacked the government for not going far  enough, saying it should have toughened the direction's language even further  to ensure that as many former criminals as possible are removed from the  country.
 Giles, who has faced ferocious attacks and calls to resign from the  opposition, said the new direction would instruct administrative review  officials to prioritise the "protection of the Australian community and  common sense" when making their decisions.
 "The new revised direction will make crystal clear that the Australian  government expects community protection to be given greater weight when it  comes to visa decisions," Giles said of the new direction, which will  take effect on June 21.
 "It makes it clear that the safety of the Australian community is the  Albanese government's highest Continued Page 10
 Giles' new rule on deportation draw fire
 From Page 3 priority and includes this as a key principle of the  decision-making framework.
 "It also elevates the impact on victims of family violence and their  families into one of the existing primary considerations, reflecting the  government's zero-tolerance approach to domestic and family violence."
 Asked by a New Zealand journalist whether the new policy was a "betrayal  of New Zealand", Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said that "we  regret the decision Australia has made", while noting the country was  allowed to set its own immigration rules.
 "It's just not right that people with no connection to New Zealand are  deported to New Zealand," Luxon said. "We need to monitor the  implementation of it. I note that prime minister Albanese has also assured me  that a common-sense approach will continue to apply."
 Luxon has campaigned on reducing crime in New Zealand and cracking down on  criminal gangs.
 The new direction still says decision makers must consider the impact on a  non-citizen's family members and their connection to Australia when deciding  whether they should be deported for committing a crime.
 Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said that "this new Direction 110 doesn't  give much change in circumstance at all, and will still give rise to the sort  of outcomes that we've seen in allowing these people to stay in our  community".
 Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson said he had "no  confidence" the new direction would keep Australians safe, "because  it continues to have ties to the Australian community as a primary  consideration and that will leave the [Administrative Appeals Tribunal] to  make decisions like they have been before. What the government should have  done is gone back to the old direction under the previous government that had  ties to the Australian community as a secondary consideration [and] that put  community safety first."
 Giles refused to say whether he had made a mistake with the previous  direction, saying: "I'm taking responsibility for putting in place a  direction that sends a clear signal to decision makers and the Australian  community about how they should go about making these decisions."
 Giles said he had discussed the change with New Zealand Foreign Minister  Winston Peters, who said last week he was concerned that the new direction  would lead to the mass return of Kiwi criminals with little connection to the  country.
 The Coalition has blamed Labor for dozens of decisions by the Administrative  Appeals Tribunal that cited direction 99 as a factor in letting applicants  stay in Australia, despite decisions by Home Affairs to deport them because  of their criminal convictions.

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