

Community Safety

Media Release | Hezbollah flag wavers must face consequences | 29 September 2024

September 29, 2024

Sunday 29 September2024
Media Release
Hezbollah flag wavers must face consequences


The shocking scenes we have seen on the streets of Melbourne and Sydney today are the predictable consequence of the Albanese government’s weakness since 7 October.

Instead of moral clarity and courage, Labor has displayed equivocation and ambivalence in the face of an anti-Semitism crisis.

Incitement to violence on the basis of religion is a crime.

Publicly displaying the symbols of a listed terrorist organisation is a crime.

The failure to enforce laws like these in the last year has emboldened extremists and led to Australia’s Jewish community feeling unsafe and unwelcome in their own country.

It is time for the Prime Minister to finally show some strength and make it clear he expects the law to be enforced.

Any Australian citizen waving a Hezbollah flag today should be charged under section 80.2HA of the Commonwealth Criminal Code.

Any visitor to our country waving a Hezbollah flag should have their visa immediately cancelled and be deported.

Anyone inciting violence against another group should be investigated by police.

Unless there are consequences, the extremism we have seen on our streets today will continue to flourish.



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