

Community Safety

Status for charity with radical links

June 17, 2024

Monday 17 June 2024
Nick McKenzie
The Age

 EXCLUSIVE Nick McKenzie, Paul Sakkal and Marta Pascual Juanola Australian  authorities have registered and have given special tax status to a charity  directed by a key figure within the radical Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir,  who has urged Muslims to send weapons to Gaza.
 The Australian Taxation Office and the charity regulator have granted  tax-deductible status to Al Rashidun Limited- a charity directed by Amer  Alwahwah. Alwahwah's involvement in Hizb ut-Tahrir's Australian chapter and  the group's promotion of antisemitic views was exposed by The Sunday Age  yesterday.
 REPORT Page 10
 Status for charity with radical links
 Australian authorities have registered and given special tax status to a  charity directed by a key figure within the radical Islamist group Hizb  ut-Tahrir, who has urged Muslims to send weapons to Gaza.
 The Australian Taxation Office and the charity regulator have approved and  granted tax-deductible status to Al Rashidun Limited- a charity directed by  Amer Alwahwah. Alwahwah's involvement in Hizb ut-Tahrir's Australian chapter  and the group's promotion of antisemitic views was exposed yesterday in a  major investigation by The Age, prompting calls for the Albanese government  to consider banning the group.
 A second Australian director of the Al Rashidun charity, Ali Abu Hassan, is  also linked to a social media account that has promoted controversial views  online, including seemingly attacking Lebanese organisation Hezbollah for  failing to more energetically join the fight against Israel. Hezbollah is  banned in Australia as a terror group.
 The special tax status bestowed by the Tax Office on the Al Rashidun charity  in September will enable it to significantly boost its fundraising efforts.  Al Rashidun, which was registered by the Australian Charities and  Not-for-profits Commission last year, lists its aim as distributing aid  abroad, including food relief in Gaza and Lebanon.
 Hizb ut-Tahrir is a controversial international Islamist group recently  banned as a terror outfit in the United Kingdom and which has been  campaigning for decades for the creation of an Islamic caliphate ruled by  sharia or Islamic law. There is no suggestion the group's Australian chapter  is involved in terrorism, but some of its senior activists have praised the  activities of Hamas after its October 7 attack in Israel and repeatedly  called on Muslim soldiers in the Middle East to join the fight to eradicate  Israel and help establish a caliphate.
 The Al Rashidun charity is named after the Rashidun Caliphate, which existed  between 632CE and 661CE.
 On October 25, three weeks after Hamas attacked Israel, prompting a brutal  military response in Gaza, Alwahwah appeared in a video posted by Hizb  ut-Tahrir calling for weapons and armies to be deployed to the enclave.
 "The people of Gaza have spoken time and time again. Up until today,  there are videos of them while they are being bombarded saying: 'We do not  want your dua [prayers]. We do not want your money. We want you to mobilise.  We want your arms. We want your armies to help us liberate Palestine',"  he said.
 Alwahwah is a relative of Hizb utTahrir Australia founder Ismail Alwahwah,  who died in May last year after facing regular scrutiny in Australia for  virulently antisemitic and anti-Western preaching.
 The social media footprint of Amer's fellow charity director, Ali Abu Hassan,  reveals his mobile phone number is linked to the account of an active member  of the encrypted Telegram social media platform of Ghosts of Palestine  hacktivist group, an organisation involved in cyberwarfare targeting the  Israeli government and which has promoted the Hamas attack of October 7.
 In conversations with other members of the Telegram channel, the Abu  Hassan-linked account attacked Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah for his  passive stance on the war in Gaza. "So Nasrallah at the end was all  talk. Just lip service.
 Absolutely disgusted," Abu Hassan wrote on November 3.
 Three weeks after the Hamas attack, the Abu Hassan-linked account wrote of  Israel: "My brother, they cannot defeat an enemy who looks down the  barrel of the gun and sees paradise." The account also urged the Ghosts  of Palestine to promote an Australian campaign platform, Stand For Palestine,  which The Age yesterday revealed was closely aligned with Hizb ut-Tahrir.
 In a statement, the Australian charities regulator declined to comment on Al  Rashidun but said all charities "must comply with Australian laws"  and take steps to safeguard its funds against abuse overseas. There is no  suggestion by The Age that Al Rashidun has misused any donor funds, only that  two of its four Australian directors, Alwahwah and Abu Hassan, have links to  radical groups. Alwahwah and Abu Hassan refused to answer questions when  contacted by The Age, while a third director also declined to respond.
 The revelations prompted calls from the Coalition and the Zionist Federation  of Australia for the Albanese government to urgently investigate the  possibility of proscribing Hizb ut-Tahrir as a terrorist organisation in  Australia.
 "The criteria for terrorism listing is clear," said Coalition home  affairs spokesman James Paterson. "On face value, Hizb ut-Tahrir has met  that test and the Albanese government must urgently investigate proscription  to protect Australians from violent extremism."
 Under the current legislation, the government can list an organisation as a  terror group if it considers it is directly or indirectly promoting or  praising the doing of a terrorist act, and there is a risk this could  encourage others to engage in terrorism.
 The United Kingdom controversially banned Hizb ut-Tahrir for its antisemitic  stance and its calls for jihad (just war) in January. The group, which has  also been banned in several Muslim-majority countries, has vowed to fight the  proscription in the British courts.
 In a statement yesterday, Zionist Federation of Australia president Jeremy  Leibler said that Jewish community leaders had been warning about serious  threats to the nation's social cohesion and a rise in extremist rhetoric.  "For Hizb utTahrir to have so much as a foothold in Australia is  dangerous. But it is frankly reckless that our authorities have let it  establish a sophisticated operation," Leibler said. "Governments  must take it seriously and act decisively."
 When contacted by The Age a spokesperson for Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus  condemned Hizb utTahrir's rhetoric but declined to comment on a proscription.
 Status for charity with radical links

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