

Community Safety

Transcript | Doorstop Australian Parliament House | 12 September 2024

September 12, 2024

Thursday 12 September 2024
Doorstop interview at Australian Parliament House
Subjects: Taxpayer money to go to extreme preacher

JAMES PATERSON: Good morning. This morning in the Daily Telegraph we have seen a deeply disturbing story. It says that the Albanese government has offered taxpayer funds to an organisation that includes as one of its members an extremist preacher. Sheikh Ibrahim Dadoun, on the 8th of October, just one day after the worst terrorist atrocity that Israel has ever suffered in its history, spoke at a rally and said that this is a day for celebration, that this is a day of victory. That he was happy, that he was elated. No one with extremist views like that or any organisations they're associated with should receive taxpayers funds at all. But they particularly should not be offered taxpayer funds for the purposes of promoting social cohesion. Julian Hill has got this badly wrong. Tony Burke needs to intervene today and say that not one cent of Australian taxpayers money will be going to an organisation which has an extremist preacher as one of its members.

Thank you.


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