

Community Safety

Warning on social media laws

September 13, 2024

Friday 13 September 2024
Joseph Olbrychtpalmer
Gold Coast Bulletin

 Legislation proposed by the Albanese government could give social media  companies the power to decide "what is true and what is false",  Liberal senator James Paterson has warned.
 The government's proposed misinformation laws are part of a broader pack of  bills targeting social media firms.
 The crackdown comes amid widespread concerns of falsehoods, both deliberate  and unintentional, flooding social media about contentious political issues.  But Senator Paterson said he was worried it could allow social media  platforms to censor "legitimately held political beliefs".
 "What worries me about the media reporting so far about this Bill is  that it includes, apparently, an environment that the social media companies  will determine what is true and what is false," Senator Paterson told  Sky News.
 "That's a deeply disturbing thing because we know that, in recent times,  (they have) got those things wrong on many occasions.
 "Australians' legitimately held political beliefs should not be censored  by either the government or by foreign social media platforms."

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